Monday, June 17, 2013

Perfect Summer 2013 Caviar Nails

The other day I was rummaging through my vanity when I came across some caviar nail beads I purchased earlier this year. You can find these beads anywhere online or at Sally's, Target, Walmart, I've even seen them at my local dollar store.
What I purchased came in a pack of 8-10 different colors in tiny tubes. Just enough to cover 2-3 nails per color. Perfect since I don't like all my nails to be the same.

What you'll need :

Base coat
Cute summer nail color
Top coat
Caviar nail beads

What you'll do if you purchased a jar :

Paint a base coat on your nail then dip the still wet nail into the caviar jar.
I like a little extra hold so once that's set for a few minutes go over it with a top coat.
Continue with as many nails as you like or do the others with a contrasting color like I did.

What you'll do if you purchased a tube :

If you happened to purchase the beads in a tube the directions are the same for the top and base coat.
Once you've painted your base coat pour the beads over wet nail.
Make sure to do this over a bowl so you can save the loose beads.
If polish dries before you're done just wet the nail in those areas again and continue as before until nail is completely coated.
Apply 1 or 2 coats of top coat and you're set.
Finish the rest of your nails as desired.
Pour left over beads from bowl back into tube by creating a funnel with a piece of paper.

*I do recommend purchasing these in the jars instead of tubes, much easier to use * 
I must say that even after a few days these beads are much tougher than I expected. I thought for sure after the first night I would find beads all over my bed. A few days later and they actually look a bit better than my polished nails.

I'll prolly get in trouble for this post. I think that nail polish belongs to a friend who's been missing it...whoops


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