Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Happy Birthday Sarah!!!!

My very close friend of a few years turns 27 today! I thought I'd share the celebration with you.
I get to see her beautiful face almost everyday now that we work in the same building. I'm so lucky to have a close friend that I see this often, most working married people don't get that luxury.
When she started working here a few months ago I wanted to share a deep congratulation that expressed how much she means to me but never got around to finishing it so here it goes...

I am so thankful for you. I've prayed for a special friend like you for many years but it took about a year and half until I realized my prayers had been answered. One day it just hit me... God blessed me with you. You're an uplifting, encouraging woman of God and I'm so thankful David found you. You go out of your way for the people that mean the most to you and I feel so blessed to be one of those. Your laugh and personality brings out the best in others and that draws so many to you. You know how to have fun and wont let others taint that bubbly spirit of yours( even when they are jealous ; ) ). You're EXTREMELY thoughtful and never miss a beat to show it. You let others come to you with their problems and I've never had someone that would so unjudgingly listen to me. I've bragged to many about you and what I'm most excited about it all the years we'll spend as friends.  Thank you for being so awesome. Thank you for all the fun we've had. I pray I'm as good of a friend to you as you are to me.
And today we celebrate you. You and all you are. Why you're so loved and cared for. I pray that you have a wonderful week filled with everyone you love and loves you. It's your first birthday we really get to celebrate and see each other and I'm so happy now you're in town to stay.

I feel like there is so much more but it all comes out the same...
We love you Sarah
Happy Birthday!
 Wish Sarah a happy birthday at

~ Rayah

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