Tuesday, October 8, 2013

DIY Sparkly Jeweled iPhone 5 Case

So I've had these jewels in my craft room for about 5 years now. Just collecting dust since the first time I decided I wanted to bejewel my old Verizon flip phone case... you remember those ;) . So since that never happened they're finally seeing the light of day. The jewels I had were all the same clear/silver color but had many different shapes.

 The most difficult part of the project is figuring out what kind of pattern you want. I thought I'd like my whole phone to be covered but after about 4 different patterns the simple chevron was my favorite. It's especially fun to play with colors because the black or white of the iPhone will show through. Mine is black so the diamond color really shines.

Once the pattern is picked simply dab a dot of any liquid glue right onto the back of the jewel and adhere. Press on for a few seconds or readjust if it slipped the wrong way then continue until you're finished. As long as you don't use an instant glue you should have wiggle room if you need to move anything.

Make sure you don't dab too much glue if you're not fully covering the case or you'll be able to see the residue on the sides of the jewels. 

Let dry overnight then enjoy your uniquely you phone cover.

All my supplies can be purchased at your local craft store. 
Iphone 5 case might have cost a dollar on ebay.

So many fun things to do with a clear iphone case!


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